LX_50 Aesthetic Movement painted enamel plaque
Arts & Crafts important walnut framed enamel
With repousse worked copper mount
Possibly by Keswick School of Industrial Art
Panel depicting George sleighing the Dragon
Labelled 'Exhibited at Royal Academy' 1907
By G H Clarkson
H31cm W28cm
Label to reverse:
“The enamels of Mons G H Clarkson are appreciated in England at their just values in
effect they can equal the ancient works of repute by the beautiful arrangement of the
panel, the power of the movement, the superb arabesque of the decoration, and by the
blazing of the colour, his “St George” throwingthe dragon to the ground particularly
imposes itself on our esteem. Mons. Clarkson loves the order of lines and he understands
the detail that goes to make a successful whole. We recognise that his works are full of
knowledge and dignity”
Extract from La Tendences Nouvelles Paris)
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